Thursday, 8 November 2012

The Difference

Having trained many different types of people over the years and achieving varied results, there are few secrets as to how the exceptional results are achieved. They come from a combination of:

- Discipline
- Focus
- Consistency

The majority of people in this world are unhappy to settle for mediocrity but they still do. 

You see it everywhere - people just accepting that things are the way they are and not doing a thing to change it because 'its too hard' or 'they're comfortable doing things the way they are - yet whinge non stop about how they wish things could be better'. Everyone can do better than what they are doing now - train harder, be more consistent, eat better - do something, even if its the smallest thing, positive changes can be made every day. Few are prepared to make the sacrifice to achieve this though.

Improving your health and fitness is about being better than what you are now - raising the bar! To make noticeable change, this must be done over an extended period of time to reverse the years of poor eating or inactivity.

As most of my clients know, I tend to work off 6 Week Training Blocks, 1. Because 6 weeks is long enough to make noticeable changes, and 2. Because 6 weeks is short enough that it isn't an unrealistic expectation to maintain the discipline and consistency required to achieve those noticeable changes. If a client comes to me wanting to achieve various things, yet isn't prepared to do what is required to do this over a 6 week period, I turn them away and suggest they go to another trainer. Simple as that.

Achieving results isn't rocket science.

1. Establish a realistic goal - get out of your comfort zone and set out to achieve something!!
2. Work with your trainer to identify what steps are required to achieve this with nutrition, training and time management.
3. Stick to these steps - do not stray from the program - do what is required ALL the time.
4. Shove your excuses up your arse - I don't want to hear them, your trainers don't want to hear them and more than likely everyone else around you is sick of hearing them too.
5. Manage uncontrollable issues along the way accordingly - treat them as extra challenges and overcome them.
6. Enjoy the journey of improving yourself and learning that you can achieve a hell of a lot more out of life than what you currently are!

There is a huge difference between someone that WANTS to achieve something and someone that actually DOES achieve something. It all comes down to making it a part of your lifestyle and enjoying it along the way.

Consider the following:

You have 6 weeks to train with a starting weight 6kg over your desired weight (consider dress/pant size, measurements, overall sense of well being)

1. You train hard Monday to Friday yet enjoy a drink and eat poorly on the weekends not to mention the occasional guilty pleasure during the week when you're hungry or the kids are stressing you out.
- At the end of the 6 weeks you are fitter, yet your overall weight is about the same with very little noticeable physical changes in your appearance. You have paid for training, busted your arse yet achieved very little.

2. You maintain discipline and consistency with your nutrition Monday - Sunday as well as training hard throughout this time.
- At the end of the 6 weeks you have lost very close to the 6kg extra weight you were carrying, you feel great, and if you are happy with this weight you can start relaxing your approach and maintaining your results by throwing in the odd cheat meal here or there (enjoying a drink at the next social event), or you can keep improving by maintaining the consistency. You now have control over your health and fitness, therefore options to decide what you next want to achieve.

Which category do you fall under?

Christian Miranda is quickly proving himself to be an exceptional motivator and he has found through his passion for what he does that he is able to bring the best out in every individual he comes into contact with. With his background in national level competitive swimming he is able to draw upon his own life experiences and therefore manage and communicate with his clients as athletes themselves.
He has spent the past 5 years developing and systemizing his own style of coaching for peak performance in life through the management of hundreds of different individuals ranging from school kids, to Mum’s and Dad’s, to Olympic Athletes and Coaches and many other people who have reached the heights of their chosen fields – every day he looks forward to learning more and more from the experiences that he has with his clients to be able to pass on to others that he works with!
As the founder of ONE Personal Training Solutions, he is working towards improving the quality of trainer that the general population seeks to receive guidance and teaching from so as to stamp ONE Personal Training Solutions authority as being one of the leading training companies in Australia.

ONE Personal Training Solutions
Phone Number: +61 402 751 377
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